Service Charges

eEarth is committed to the Open Access model of publishing. This ensures free web access to the results of research and the maximum visibility for published papers. However it requires the author to pay the costs of the review process, typesetting, web publication and long term archiving. These service charges are categorized according to the submitted material.

In the two-stage approach of eE and eED, the publications first in the discussion forum and, second, in the journal are regarded as one publication. Therefore, the service charges will be levied for the publication in the discussion forum, while the publication in the journal will be free of charge, if the revised article is submitted along the same category (or lower) as the original manuscript; otherwise the difference in the service charges will be levied.

Please consider that a discussion paper has up to three times more pages than the corresponding paper in the "classical" two column style due to the interactive screen format for improved online reading (landscape, bigger font).

The payment of service charges includes:

  • Online manuscript registration and submission;
  • Rigorous but fair peer-review, incl. public comments for Discussion Journals;
  • Professional processing of figures and movies;
  • Typesetting, editing and formatting in PDF LaTeX;
  • LaTeX macros and MS WORD templates for free use;
  • Immediate Open Access publication of each article;
  • Article alert service;
  • Inclusion in the Copernicus Online Library (incl. mirror-servers and backup facilities) as well as in international scientific databases, index and reference machines;
  • Long-term e-archiving via Portico as well as printed archiving via copyright libraries worldwide.
Service Charges waived for 1000 pages published in eEarth!
Category 1 Category 2
The text file is compiled in accordance to the Technical Instructions for LaTeX as -tx.tex The text file is compiled in accordance to the Technical Instructions for MS WORD as -tx.doc
Figure files are compiled as *.eps or *.ps files and transformed into *.pdf files
Abstract and manuscript are compiled as *.pdf files, all files (incl. text and figures) are submitted via the upload form
Total: 15 / page net + 19% VAT
Total: 17 / page net + 19% VAT

Category 3 Category 4
The text file is compiled in any LaTeX style The text file is compiled in any MS WORD style
Figure files are compiled as *.jpg / *.png / *.tif / *.gif / *.doc files
Abstract and manuscript are compiled as *.pdf files, all files (incl. text and figures) are submitted via the upload form
Total: 20 / page net + 19% VAT Total: 25 / page net + 19% VAT

The original manuscript shows an amount of 10 pages, the author follows the guidelines according to Category 1. The discussion paper will then have ca. 30 pages calculated with €15 net per page = €450 + 19% VAT. The final revised paper in the journal will then be free of charge.

For copy-editing (requested by the editor) an additional fee will be added of €10 net per full page in the journal (second stage), and €3 net per full page in the discussion forum (first stage).

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