Technical Instructions for LaTeX

Please use the Copernicus Publications LaTeX Macro Package to prepare your manuscript as described below. The package contains files that are needed by LaTeX and can be run directly but you will not have to edit them yourself. In addition, there is a template file that contains an empty framework into which you can enter your own text:

Filename Description Version
Copernicus_Latex_Manual.pdf An instruction manual. Version 1.1, June 2007
copernicus.cls The LaTeX2e class file designed for Copernicus Publications journals and books. Version 1.3, May 2007
copernicus.bst The bibliographic style file for BibTeX. Version 1.1, April 2007
natbib.sty and authblk.sty Style files, for details please see the Copernicus Latex Manual.  
template.tex A LaTeX template in journal style.  
Please download the Copernicus Publications LaTeX Macro Package . Version 1.1, June 2007

First Steps

After installing a working LaTeX distribution you will be able to run LaTeX by typing "pdflatex template.tex" in the appropriate directory from the prompt. This will produce a PDF file of your manuscript (template.pdf) which can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader . template.tex is a template file provided by Copernicus Publications to introduce you to the journal style. If you want to make changes to template.tex open it in your favourite text editor (WinEdt , Emacs, or Notepad, etc.). Now you can add extra text, formulas etc. Afterwards save the file, run "pdflatex template.tex" again and you will be able to look at the changes in the new file template.pdf. Authors who wish to use LaTeX but are not familiar with it should first read the "Getting started with LaTeX " or the "Not so Short Introduction to LaTeX2e ".

Hints for experienced LaTeX Users

  • If you are familiar with BibTeX, you can use copernicus.bst from the package. It will sort your bibliography entries alphabetically and produce the correct layout of the list of references.
    Don't forget to submit your *.bbl file when you use BibTeX.
  • Copernicus Publications will use the programme pdfLaTeX (which is included in recent LaTeX distributions) to convert your manuscript into PDF. If your LaTeX code runs through "regular" LaTeX2e without any errors, you can assume that the production of the PDF file will cause no problems.

Where do I get LaTeX?

LaTeX for Unix/Linux

LaTeX is basically available on every Unix/Linux system. Ask your system administrator for the usage on your specific system.

LaTeX for the PC

There is a free version of LaTeX for PC called MiKTeX . MiKTeX is an up-to-date implementation of LaTeX for Windows (98/ME/2000/XP/Vista). To install MiKTeX, you need to download the MiKTeX Installer . After installing MiKTeX you also need the Copernicus Publications LaTeX Macro Package (see above). MiKTeX and the Copernicus Publications LaTeX Macro Package will produce a PDF file of your manuscript (template.pdf) which can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Auxiliary Programmes

  • Scientific Word is a commercial programme for producing LaTeX documents under Windows(98/ME/NT/2000/XP). Using Scientific Word you will be able to prepare LaTeX documents without being familiar with LaTeX. You can use the LaTeX template files to prepare your manuscript with Scientific Word.
  • LyX is a free wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) programme to create LaTeX code. It is primarily designed for Unix/Linux systems but can also be run under MS Windows .


  • WinEdt is a shareware product. WinEdt is a very powerful Editor that is specifically designed to prepare LaTeX documents with MiKTeX. It enables you to create tables and special symbols from a simple menu. It also has buttons so that you can process the LaTeX document without having to go to the MS-DOS window. Downloading and installation (30 days free trial) is easy. To use WinEdt, you must already have a working LaTeX installation.
  • TeXaide is an equation editor for Windows that generates TeX on the clipboard, where it can be pasted into any TeX system.

Conversion Programme

  • word2tex is a shareware programme that converts MS WORD documents to LaTeX.
If you encounter a problem with the LaTeX Macro Package, please send an email to However, please be aware that we can only reply to specific problems of the macro package and not to questions about LaTeX in general.

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