Special Issues

The interactive scientific journal eEarth (eE) and its discussion forum eEarth Discussions (eED) offer an efficient new way of publishing special issues for measurement campaigns, conferences, etc. The individual papers are published as soon as available in regular issues, but then labeled as part of the special issue and linked electronically.

The specific advantages are:

  • Publication date is not limited by the latest paper/slowest peer-review process: every individual contribution to the special issue is published as soon as available.
  • Efficient interactive discussion of the common theme on the eED website.
  • Pre-publication of discussion papers in eED allows efficient cross-referencing between the final revised papers in eE.
  • All contributions efficiently linked and coherently presented on dedicated special issue webpages (an appropriate logo is welcome as jpg file) easily accessible off the regular eE/eED webpages (chronological volumes and issues).
  • Print-version available upon completed publication of all contributions.

To make arrangements for a Special Issue, please contact an eE editor covering the relevant subject areas and an eE executive editor (see Editorial Board and Journal Subject Areas).

To browse existing special issues follow the links eED Special Issues and eE Special Issues, respectively.

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