Comment on a PaperTo comment on a paper published in the interactive scientific journal eEarth (eE) or in its discussion forum eEarth Discussions (eED), please choose one of the following two options: Option 1If you would like to submit an interactive comment (Short Comment, Referee Comment, Editor Comment, or Author Comment) for immediate non-peer-reviewed publication in the interactive discussion of a paper recently published in eED, please locate this paper on the eED Papers in Open Discussion webpage and follow the appropriate links there. Short Comments can be submitted by every registered member of the scientific community (free registration is accessible via the login link). They are restricted to a maximum length of 10 pages and have to be submitted within 8 weeks after publication of the discussion paper in eED. For details see Interactive Public Discussion. Option 2If you would like to contribute a peer-reviewed comment or reply, which continues the discussion of a scientific paper beyond the limits of immediate interactive discussion in eED, please be aware of the Manuscript Preparation. Such comments and replies undergo the same process of peer-review, publication and interactive discussion as full articles and technical notes. They are equivalent to the peer-reviewed comments and replies in traditional scientific journals and may achieve publication in eE if sufficiently substantial. LaTeX in Interactive CommentsActivate LaTeXIf you want to use LaTeX commands in your comment you need to "Activate LaTeX Commands" by clicking on the appropriate button just above the text input window. TemplateThe following template is a simple ASCII text file with a typical layout for interactive comments and some frequently used LaTeX commands. It can be viewed, edited, copied and pasted into the text field of the comment submission form using any standard text editor: comment_example.txt Line and paragraph breaks
Italic and bold textItalic text may be created by putting the text into curly braces with a \it after the opening brace.
Remember to include the empty space between the \it and the rest of text. Bold face text is produced in a similar way using \bf.
Again, remember to include the empty space between the \bf and the rest of text. Subscripts and superscriptsTo create a subscript, type a dollar sign, an underscore, an open curly brace, the character(s) you want to be subscripted, a close curly brace, and another dollar sign.
Creating a superscripts follows the same procedure with the difference that you need to put a caret sign instead of the underscore.
Special charactersSome characters have a special function in LaTeX; if you want to use them as a normal character you need to put a backslash in front of them.
Greek symbolsGreek symbols can be used by putting the special commands listed below between two dollar signs: \alpha \beta \gamma \delta \epsilon \nu \kappa \lambda \mu \pi \omega \sigma etc.
Similarly, upper-case Greek letters are produced: \Gamma \Delta \Lambda \Sigma \Omega \Theta \Phi etc. For a more complete list of symbols please consult the two documents "Getting started with LaTeX Mathematical symbolsSome frequently used mathematical symbols are produced in the same way as Greek symbols: Typing $<$ will produce < EquationsSimple equations are produced by putting all numbers, symbols and signs between two dollar signs.
For more detailed instructions on equations please consult the two documents "Getting started with LaTeX |