RSS Feeds
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML based web content syndication format used to deliver constantly updated headline feeds to readers. To subscribe RSS feeds, you will need to use a "News Reader" or a "Feed Reader". News Readers or Feed Readers are available either online or may be downloaded as applications on your computer. Some browsers now also contain features that allow you to read RSS feeds. In some News Readers or Feed Readers you can simply drag and drop the orange RSS buttons. The reader checks your subscribed feeds regularly for new content, downloading any updates that it finds.
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Alert Services
The COSIS Alert System provides an online platform for keeping readers of eEarth informed about any news item related to this journal, as well as to provide the opportunity to monitor and/or to change alerts at any time. Please choose your fields of interest from the lists below and subscribe to the free alert service via a COSIS login. You will then be informed by email about the related news. If you are not yet registered with COSIS, you will be asked to create an account (free of charge).
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